
数学系2008年10月20、21日学术报告《variation of hodge structures,local systems and higgs cohomology》-凯发网站

报告题目: variation of hodge structures,local systems and higgs cohomology

报 告 人: 左康教授(德国mainz大学)

报告时间: 2008年10月20、21日下午4:00-5:30

报告地点: 理化大楼16008

主办单位: 数学系、数学所


abstract: in my lecture as a motivation i shall first consider the legendre family of elliptic curves,and the vhs attached to this family. then i shall introduce the corresponding higgs bundle, and the $l_2$-higgs cohomology, which recovers the so-called eichler-shimura isomorphism and modular forms. as the further example we consider the mirror family of cy quintics, we give an interpretation of the zero
locus of yukawa-coupling and (2,2) classes on the total space of the mirror family.