


  徐宁,理学和工学博士,教授,博士生导师。在美国耶鲁大学取得博士学位后,先后于美国宾夕法尼亚大学和芝加哥大学做博士后研究、香港中文大学任研究助理教授。2010年到中国科学技术大学物理系,并先后受聘于中国科学院软物质化学重点实验室和合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室,2011年受聘为香港中文大学物理系杨振宁访问学者,2013年获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金的资助。目前的研究领域是软物质物理中的非晶体系的动力学、相变以及非晶固体的特性,在jamming和玻璃化转变研究中取得了一些创新性进展。已发表sci论文30篇,其中包括1篇nature、1篇nat. phys.和12篇phys. rev. lett.;多次在国内外学术会议上做邀请报告;受邀为phys. rev. lett.等多家杂志审稿。目前主持国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目一项,及中国科学技术大学创新团队培养项目一项,并作为研究骨干参与国家973项目一项。






  1) excitation of ellipsoid packings near jamming - europhysics letters - 2009 - 87, 26001
  2) measurements of the yield stress in frictionless granular systems - physical review e - 2006 - 73, 061303
  3) random close packing revisited: ways to pack frictionless disks - physical review e - 2005 - 71, 061306
  4) numerical study of electronic impact and radiation in sonoluminescence - physical review e - 1998 - 57, 1615
  5) bremsstrahlung of nitrogen and noble gases in single-bubble sonoluminescence - physical review e - 2000 - 61,2611
  6) water vapor diffusion effects on gas dynamics in a sonoluminescing bubble - physical review e - 2003 - 68, 016309
  7) stabilization of nonlinear velocity profiles in athermal systems undergoing planar shear flow - physical review e - 2005 - 72, 041504
  8) reversible plastic events in amorphous materials - physical review e - 2008 - 77, 041505
  9) comparison of low-amplitude oscillatory shear in experimental and computational studies of model foams - physical review e - 2009 - 79, 041405
  10) heat transport in model jammed solids - physical review e - 2010 - 81, 021301
  11) a comparison of jamming behavior in systems composed of dimer- and ellipse-shaped particles - soft matter - 2010 - 6, 2960
  12) probing the glass transition from structural and vibrational properties of zero-temperature glasses - physical review letters - 2014 - 112, 055701
  13) visualizing kinetic pathways of homogeneous nucleation in colloidal crystallization - nature physics - 2014 - 10, 73
  14) critical scaling in thermal systems near the zero-temperature jamming transition - soft matter - 2013 - 9, 2475
  15) probing the origin of low-frequency quasilocalization at single-particle level - physical review letters - 2012 - 108, 095501
  16) temperature-pressure scaling for air-fluidized grains near jamming - physical review letters - 2012 - 108, 138001
  17) non-monotonic pressure dependence of the dynamics of soft glass-formers at high compressions - soft matter - 2012 - 8, 11831
  18) mechanical, vibrational, and dynamical properties of amorphous systems near jamming - frontiers of physics in china - 2011 - 6, 109
  19) new jamming scenario: from marginal jamming to deep jamming - physical review letters - 2011 - 106, 125503
  20) direct determination of the size of basins of attraction of jammed solids - physical review letters - 2011 - 106, 245502
  21) effects of particle-size ratio on jamming of binary mixtures - soft matter - 2010 - 6, 2944
  22) anharmonic and quasilocalized vibrations in jammed solids-modes for mechanical failure - europhysics letters - 2010 - 90, 56001
  23) soft modes and elasticity of nearly isostatic lattices: randomness and dissipation - physical review letters - 2010 - 104, 085504
  24) equivalence of glass transition and colloidal glass transition in the hard-sphere limit - physical review letters - 2009 - 103, 245701
  25) thermal vestige of the zero-temperature jamming transition - nature - 2009 - 459, 230
  26) energy transport in jammed sphere packings - physical review letters - 2009 - 102, 038001
  27) excess vibrational modes and the boson peak in model glasses - physical review letters - 2007 - 98, 175502
  28) effective temperature in athermal systems sheared at fixed normal load - physical review letters - 2005 - 94, 055701
  29) velocity profiles in repulsive athermal systems under shear - physical review letters - 2005 - 94, 016001
  30) extreme electrostatic phenomena in a single sonoluminescing bubble - physical review letters - 1999 - 83, 2441





